
Goats are Great! (the work we do here is even better though)

began the day with syncing visors in preparation for measuring plants at experimental plot 2. The majority of the team convened there at 8:30 and proceeded to measure, do phenology, and harvest heads at pt2. Some of us stayed back and finished measuring experimental plot 1 – specifically in the dreaded 99 South Garden. To add to the general dread, we saw a garden spider hanging out in the garden on some Indian grass!

The big garden spider (Argiope aurantia) in 99 South was a bit scary at 9 in the morning!

In the afternoon, I worked on measuring the functional traits (photosynthetic rate and transpiration) of hybrid Echinacea in experimental plot 7 with the Licor Li-6400XT named Helga. I’m very excited to finally have finished one row of measuring with Helga, as I have greatly struggled with equipping her to effectively measure Echinacea leaves.

I take apart and make modifications to the measuring apparatus on Helga, the Licor (Truly one of the more stressful moments of my life).

The rest of the team dispersed for the afternoon, and a lot was accomplished in a little time. Some people went to do demography in the remnants, while others did their independent projects in the various sites within Solem Township. The day ended with a number of us harvesting ripe side oat seed from experimental plot 1. The goal is to eventually spread the native seed in experimental plot 8. The night ended with me cooking a dinner for the roost and then the crew watching the season finale of the Bachelorette! Go Garrett!


P.S. The goats are great fun to have close to the Hjelm House and pt1!

A rather self-explanatory picture of Style.


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