
Super Sciencey Saturday

Today was a busy day for Team Echinacea. The morning started off with phenology in the common garden. We have a lot of flowering Echinacea and many of them are far along! It was a nice, cool, dewey morning, a pleasant change from the heat and humidity this week. Too bad the dew didn’t stick to the spider web so that this poor fella’ may have avoided being breakfast…


Afterwards, Lydia continued her aphid addition and exclusion experiment then gave Hattie a hair wrap.

Marie finished scanning her plot. Now she has much analyzing to look forward to! Dayvis and Marie also report gopher sightings at Hegg Lake.

Sarah and I worked together on our projects. Sarah continued her phenology at the Landfill sites while I followed looking for ants on Echinacea. It was a cool and wet morning so the ants were not very active. We did have several close encounters with an electric fence at Around Landfill, but no on-the-job accidents today.


Currently, Mike and Reina are at the Grant County Fair. Lydia (with the help of Sarah, Dayvis, and Marie) polished off leftover pizza that Marie made. It was Marie’s rendition of dining hall pizza: buffalo tofu; to which Lydia says, “I think it tastes fine.” It’s finally gone, now we are looking forward to Marie’s next culinary creation.

Ilse is camping this weekend and Kory is in IL with family. We miss them dearly and await their safe return tomorrow.

-Sara Z


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