Total Demo 2016 Protocol


1.     Gather Supplies. Before heading to a site for Total Demo, pack equipment needed for collecting demography data.

a.     Visor

                      i.  verify form “EaDemo2016” is on the visor

                     ii.  check for low batteries

b.     Aluminum plant tags

c.     Flag bag and colored flags for the patented “Ea Total Demo Flaggin’ System™”

d.     Site stake files loaded on GRS-1 units

e.     GRS-1 unit (Sulu or Chekov), poles, extra batteries, Flaggin’ System™ reminder stickers.

f.      Clipboard(s) with site map for the site(s) that will be visited.

2.     Initialize visors; this “dummy record” facilitates data management

a.     Create a new record in the “EaDemo2016” form

b.     Select the appropriate site from the drop down menu in the demo form

c.     Enter “-33” in the “loc” field. Some sites have multiple stake files. For each new stake file enter a new dummy record with “-33” in the loc field and the stake file’s “super code” in the note field.

3.     Set up GRS-1 machine and import stake file

a.     Open data connection

b.     Open TopSurv

c.     Create a new job, for demo job name should be “SURV_YYYYMMDD_MachineName” where machine name is either SULU or CHEK

d.     Import a Stake File – once the TopSurv menu is open:

                      i.  Select “Import”

                     ii.  “From File”

                   iii.  “Next”

                   iv.  Change the “Type” field to “All files”

                     v.  Then Select the appropriate .csv for the site

1.     Check that the filename matches the site’s paper map code.

2.     Record this filename in the gps captain’s log.

                   vi.  For “file style” select Name, E(Lon), N(Lat), Notes

e.     Select the first “loc” for the site and hit stake.

4.     The GPS operator should stake to the locs for the site in consecutive order and flag the locs with the appropriate flag color (see “Ea Total Demo Flaggin’ System™” below).

5.     Demographers should follow behind the gps operator collecting demography information on each loc, it is important that demography info is collected for EVERY loc.


Demo: Common situations and what to record

6.     If a loc has a tag and a plant then record demographic information in the visor, as follows

a.     Enter the loc number

b.     Record the plant status (i.e. flowering, basal, etc.)

c.     Count and record the number of rosettes (basal & flowering together),

d.     Count and record number of normal flowering heads and other flowering heads (use demography codes in Demography Dictionary below). For basal plants, enter “0” in normal/other flowering head fields.

e.     Look for other plants within 12cm and record distance and direction to any near neighbors. Record identity of neighbors as “b” for untagged basal plant, or tag.demoCode for tagged neighbors.

f.      Note: Make detailed notes if you encounter strange situations

7.     If there is a plant with no tag #we need to discuss this

a.     Select the “No tag” option in the “loc status” field.

b.     If you are certain that the plant is associated with the loc (a plant that has flowering stems from the previous year) continue with demo

c.     If you are not certain that the plant is associated with the loc (multiple nearby plants) select “loc uncertain” option in the “loc status” field. #is loc uncertain an option?

8.     No plant found, but tag present

a.     Select the “No pla” option in the “loc status” field. 

b.     Enter “not present” in the “plant status field”

9.     No plant, no tag

a.     Select the “No tag” option in the “loc status” field

b.     Select the “No pla” option in the “loc status” field. 

c.     Enter “not present” in the “plant status field”

10.   Plant more than 15 cm from the stake point with a tag.

a.     Create two demo records, one for the loc and one for the plant with a tag.

b.     In the loc record enter “loc uncertain”, “no tag”, “no pla” in the “loc status” field.

c.     In the plant demo record do not enter a loc in the loc field but enter “new loc” and flag the plant with a white flag so that a gps point will be shot.

11.   Plant more than 15 cm from stake point with no tag.

a.     YOU CAN’T BE CERTAIN THAT THIS IS THE RIGHT PLANT, refer to no plant, no tag.

12.  Multiple locs, one tag

a.     Create two demo records

                      i.   The record for the first loc should contain all demography information.

1.     The second loc should have the loc in the loc field, “multiple equivalent locs” in the “loc status field” and the two equivalent locs in the “equivalent locs” field written: firstLoc;secondLoc

b.     Multiple locs, multiple tags

                      i.  Refer to “Multiple locs, one tag” except in the first demo record also select “Multiple tags; keep one” in the “loc status”.

                     ii.  Collect the newest tag, unless the older tag is illegible.

1.    Enter the tag that is kept in the “tag” field and the collected tag in the “collected tags” field

b.     One loc, multiple tags.

1.    Collect the newest tag, unless the older tag is illegible.

2.    Enter the tag that is kept in the “tag” field and the collected tag in the “collected tags” field

c.     Dead lvs, with a tag.

1.    Enter “dead last yrs lvs” in the “plant status” field if the dead leaves are from last year

2.    Enter “dead this yrs lvs” in the “plant status” field if the dead leaves are from this year

d.     Flowering plant with new loc this year

1.    If there is a point for this plant on the map, enter the tag number in the loc field

e.     New flowering plant

1.    Give the plant a tag

2.    Enter “new loc” and “new tag” #verify “new tag” is an option in the “loc status” field

3.    Flag the plant with a white flag so that a gps point will be shot.

13.   Reminders: Use your detective skills!

a.     Search carefully for old tags buried under the thatch/gravel/soil


14.  Wrap-up

a.     Double check that demo records have been made for all existing locs and new flowering plants.

b.     Double check that points have been shot for all plants with white flags.

c.     Create an end record in the visor with “-99” in the “loc” field.


Ea Total Demo Flaggin’ System™

1.     Pink, for locs ending in 1 and 6

2.     Blue, for locs ending in 2 and 7

3.     Orange, for locs ending in 3 and 8

4.     Red, for locs ending in 4 and 9

5.     Yellow, for locs ending in 5 and 0

-Remember PBORY order by “Peanut butter on rye” or when working backwards, YROBP, “Why rob P?”

-White flags will be used to indicate if a point needs to be shot at a plant.

-Demographers should collect the flags after they do demography at the loc. The flags should be returned to the gps operator as needed.



Demography Dictionary

When entering demographic information in the textLocId field of the GRS-1 GPS units, use the format “tag#.code” (see examples below). Note that any head that produces pollen or seeds is considered normal. Use D only for heads that fail to flower due to some disease or deformity. If a plant has clear symptoms of aster yellows you can use survey note "day."

Code    interpretation

 U      unattached tag

 B      basal plant

 #      number of normal heads

 M      stem(s) mowed off

 T      head(s) toppled by

        weevil (rare)

 D      head with some other

        disease or deformity*

 S      bud did not make it

        to fl for unknown reason

 F      head/stem broken by

        observer or measurer


day     aster yellows


6.x     non-echinacea object x




tag#.2     2 normal heads

tag#.2M1   2 normal heads and

           1 mowed off stem

tag#.M3    3 heads mowed off

tag#.1M2S3 1 normal head, 2

           mowed, and three buds