
This is a guide to the most common plants flowering in our project sites during the field season. A list of sites where the plant can be found is included in each entry, along with a photograph of the plant and some information about its life history traits.

MEDSAT Alfalfa

TRIHYB Alsike Clover

COMUMB Bastard Toadflax

CORPAL Bird’s-foot Coreopsis

LOTCOR Bird’s-foot Trefoil

MEDLUP Black Medic

RUDHIR Black-eyed Susan

SOLCAN Canada Goldenrod

CIRARV Canada Thistle

ANECAN Canadian Anemone

APOCAN Common Dogbane

ASCSYR Common Milkweed

ACHMIL Common Yarrow

ERISTR Daisy Fleabane

LIAPUN Dotted Blazingstar

OENBIE Evening Primrose

HELHEL False Sunflower

TRADUB Goat’s Beard

LINSUL Grooved Flax

PHYHET Ground Cherry

ZIZAUR Heartleaf Golden Alexanders

SYMERI Heath Aster

LITCAN Hoary Puccoon

AMOCAN Leadplant

EUPESU Leafy Spurge

HELMAX Maximilian’s Sunflower

THADAS Meadow Rue

ZIGELE Mountain Deathcamas

ECHANG Narrow-leaved Purple Coneflower

GALBOR Northern Bedstraw

SOLNEM Old Field Goldenrod

LEUVUL Oxeye Daisy

LOBSPI Pale-spiked Lobelia

CARACA Plumeless Thistle

SOLPTA Prairie Goldenrod

ALLSTE Prairie Onion

PHLPIL Prairie Phlox

ROSARK Prairie Rose

ARTLUD Prairie Sage

PEDESC Prairie Turnip

DALPUR Purple Prairie Clover

TRIPRA Red Clover

LIAASP Rough Blazingstar

SYMSER Silky Aster

PEDARG Silverleaf Scurfpea

SYMLAE Smooth Blue Aster

SYMALB Snowberry

SOLRIG Stiff Goldenrod

MELOFF2 Sweetclover

POTARG Tall Cinquefoil

ANECYL Thimbleweed

LATVEN Veiny Pea

DALCAN White Prairie Clover

ASCVER Whorled Milkweed

MONFIS Wild Bergamot

PASSAT Wild Parsnip

HELPAU Wild Sunflower


Matt and Katherine developed this guide by creating a list of about 60 flowering plant species that they suspected would be most common in the project sites. They then visited each site about once every 4 weeks to take presence/absence data on the plant community. They were able to refine their plant list by removing species that were not found and adding species that were common but had not been initially included in the list. During the site surveys, Katherine photographed all of the plant species (while they were flowering if possible). Additionally, life history traits of each species were researched and recorded. When the field season was over, all of the photos, presence/absence data, and life history data were compiled to create this web resource for Matt’s high school students and future members of Team Echinacea.