Kittelson’s Functional Traits

Dataset for Kittelson et al. 2015. Leaf functional traits, herbivory, and genetic diversity in Echinacea: Implications for fragmented populations. Ecology 96:1877–1886.

During the 2013 field season Professor Pamela Kittelson and students Reina Nielsen and Mike Howe of Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN joined Team Echinacea. Pam, Reina, and Mike measured 12 functional traits and estimated herbivore damage in the inbreeding experiments (INB1 & INB2).

When using this dataset please cite this page and the original publication: Kittelson, P., S. Wagenius, R. Nielsen, S. Qazi, M. Howe, G. Kiefer, and R. G. Shaw. 2015. Leaf functional traits, herbivory, and genetic diversity in Echinacea: Implications for fragmented populations. Ecology 96:1877–1886. PDF

Here is a link to the functional traits dataset from the INB1 & INB2 experiments in exPt1, saved as an ascii comma-separated-values file:


Metadata for the dataset are posted below:

cgPlaId: common garden plant id; A unique identification number for each plant (integer)
row: Easting coordinate locating each plant in the plot, in meters (numeric)
position: Northing coordinate locating each plant in the plot, in meters (numeric)
matpopn: maternal plant remnant population of origin (text)
cross: cross level — 3 cross types: I = inbred, W = within remnant, B = between remnants (text)
Status: plant status — basal or flowering (text)
longestLf: longest leaf measured in cm (numeric)
JunAmax: photosynthetic rate (INB1 measurements 25-27 Jun 2013; INB2 1-3 July 2013) expressed as Amax; µmol CO2/m2/s (numeric)
JunWUE: instantaneous water use efficiency in June calculated by dividing Amax by transpiration/10,000 (mol H20) (numeric)
AugAmax: photosynthetic rate (measurements 5-8 Aug 2013) expressed as Amax; µmol CO2/m2/s (numeric)
AugWUE: instantaneous water use efficiency in August calculated by dividing Amax by transpiration/10,000 (mol H20) (numeric)
%C: percent Carbon (numeric)
%N: percent Nitrogen (numeric)
C:N: Carbon to Nitrogen ratio (numeric)
LDMC: leaf dry matter content measured in mg g-1 (numeric)
SLA: specific leaf area measured in m2 g-1 (numeric)
PNUE: photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency calculated in µmol CO2/mol N (numeric)
Amass: mass-based photosynthetic rate in August expressed as Amass; µmol CO2/g/s (numeric)
AvgTrichome: average count of edge trichomes along 2 cm leaf margin (numeric)
Herbivory: average overall damage calculated as follows: Rate damage on each leaf: none, 0% missing; minor, 1-25% of leaf removed or chewed; half, 25 – 75% of leaf missing or chewed; major, 75 – 95% of leaf missing; or > 95%. Then sum the midpoint for each leaf (0, 12.5, 50, 85 or 97.5%). Then find the average for all the leaves on the plant. (numeric)
Garden: experiment — INB1 or INB2 (text)