Summer 2015 Projects

Here is a list of activities that we have planned for the 2015 field season:

Tour Staffanson and Hegg Lake
Distribute tools, equipment, and pouches

Week 1
Measure q2 in p8 See 2015.q2.measureProtocol

Experimental Plot Management
Burn p1 Completed 21 May
Broadcast seed in p1, p2 Completed 22 May

Flag & post signs in p1
Weed experimental plots as necessary
p8: sweet clover & ash
Cut trees in p1 & p8
Mow aisles in p1
Mow brome in p8
Assess Hieracium experiment
pull pi: p8, E of p1, W of p1, p1 burn break
Harvest Hesperostipa in p1
Chop grasses in p6/Josh’s

late summer:
Harvest EA heads in p1 & p2. See harvestProtocol2014.pdf
Collect Bouteloua curtipendula & Schizachyrium scoparium for seeding in plots

Burn p8 & new plot, broadcast seed in p1, p2, p8
Pull in signs & flags for winter

Experiments in Remnants
Monitor recruitment exp. (just fl pla)
Staffanson – BFS; phenology, style persistence, harvest, demography
Target SPP plants with phen, sp, & ss in burn years for monitoring and harvest.
Asynchrony, isolation, compatibility (Remnants TBD) – phenology & crossing
Conduct annual census of flowering EA demo2014Protocol
Refind seedlings from previous years (August)

Measure Cirsium hillii & collect tissue

Experiments in plots
Identify flowering EA p1 & p2
Assess phenology p1 & p2
qGen3: Cross EA in p1 for second round of qGen2 experiment
collect tissue of known hybrid plants

Conduct Aphid addition/exclusion experiment

Conduct long-term pollen limitation experiment
Conduct resource limitation experiment (tops o’ heads)

Measure Hesperostipa in p1
Measure Dichanthelium in p1-99s

Measure EA in experimental plots

Exp. plot Alt. name Start End
expt01 main & 99s
expt02 Jennifer’s
expt03 Amy’s
expt04 Caroline’s
expt05 Staffanson
expt06 Josh’s & hybrids
expt07 Hybrids at Hegg
expt08 q2  16 June
expt09 Lydia’s

take photo for banner
take photo for SPP-bfs
smoke treatment