All of our summer research involves plenty of labor, with different projects requiring their own and sometimes overlapping fieldwork. This year, we devised a way of monitoring and quantifying the time spent on that labor using Excel. Designed by Wesley and primarily contributed to by Wesley and later Alex, the task efficiency evaluation kept track of time spent by 18 individuals devoted to 54 unique tasks. For example, Team Echinacea spent a total of 29,045 minutes (484 person-hours) recording the phenology of flowering plants and 4295 minutes (72 person-hours) measuring plants in experimental plot 8. The project ran from 15 Jun to 8 Oct, 2021.
- Start year: 2021
- Location: Followed all tasks we did in and around Solem Township
- Overlaps with: Everything!
- Data collected: Amount of time spent on tasks per individual. All data can be found at Dropbox/teamEchinacea2021/wyattMosiman/taskEfficiencyEvaluation
- Products: Spreadsheet identifying how long certain projects took in terms of person hours.

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