After a foolhardy effort to single-handedly census every flowering Lilium philadelphicum across Solem Township in 2021 and threatening the global supply of orange pin flags in the process, Jared came to his senses and focused on Echinacea in summer 2022… oh who are we kidding, Jared mapped a bunch of lilies in summer 2022. Rather than census flowering plants, Jared established seven 60 x 40 meter plots across sites with varying burn histories and mapped all flowering plants within those study plots (N = 361 flowering individuals). Pods were harvested from 23 plants.
- Start year: 2021
- Location: Remnant patches of prairie in and around Solem Township, MN
- Overlaps with: Sleep
- Data collected: Spatial and demographic data housed in the remlp Bitbucket repository
- Samples or specimens collected: Pods/seed collected during summer 2022 currently reside in Jared’s office. These seeds need to be cleaned, counted, and scored for seed set.
- Products: Stay tuned!
You can read more about the Lilium fire and flowering project, as well as links to prior flog entries about this experiment, on the background page for this experiment.

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