I generated a list of 40 random UTM coordinates for SPP and posted them here: sppRandCoords.csv.
Here’s the R code I used to generate random coordinates…
df <- data.frame(order= 1:40, E= round(runif(40, 286100, 286900),2), N= round(runif(40, 5077080, 5077500),2)) write.csv(df, file= "sppRandCoords.csv", row.names= FALSE)
I gleaned the rough SPP corner coordinates from Google Earth--UTM 15T:
NE 286900 E 5077500 N
SE 286900 E 5077080 N
NW 286100 E 5077500 N
SW 286100 E 5077080 N
Here's a snippet of R code to make a plot of the points and to make a file with latitudes & longitudes..
df <- read.csv( "https://echinaceaproject.org/wp-content/uploads/sppRandCoords.csv") plot(df$E, df$N, asp = 1, type = "n") text(df$E, df$N, labels= df$order) require(PBSmapping) names(df) <- c("EID", "X", "Y") df <- as.EventData(df) attr(df, "projection") <- "UTM" attr(df, "zone") <- 15 fred <- convUL(df, km=FALSE) write.csv(fred, file= "sppRandLL.csv", row.names= FALSE)
Here's a link to those 40 random points in a lat long projection sppRandLL.csv.
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