The Leadplant Flower Moth (Schinia lucens), is a species of special concern in Minnesota. It used to be common and have an extensive range, but now populations are few and far between. Douglas and Grant counties (our study area) are not included on its current range map. Nonetheless, REU participant Liam Poitra thought that it was possible that this moth might persist in some of the remnants in our study area. Liam planned and conducted a systematic search for the leadplant flower moth for his REU project. If Liam found enough moths to estimate populations sizes or density, then he would investigate characteristics of their habitat for his REU project. If not, then he would transition to another project. He found one individual moth and took some great photos. Details of the search are in Liam’s report.

- Start year: 2023
- Location: prairie remnants in Solem & Land Townships
- Overlaps with: other projects in prairie remnants
- Data collected: see Liam’s report
- Samples or specimens collected: photos only — see the report
- Products: Liam’s report also saved here… ~Dropbox/teamEchinacea2023/liamPoitra/S.Luscens Sighting.docx
You can read more about Liam’s other REU project: assessing floral resources in remnants & restorations.

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