We know that prescribed fire is beneficial to native prairie plant species, but summer 2023 REU participant, Jak Davis, is also curious about how fires impact native pollinators. Their project this summer, investigated the effects of prescribed fire on pollinator fidelity/visitation to Echinacea. Jak collected bees in the field (Agopostemen virescens, Halictus and Augochlorella) and scraped pollen off their bodies. They counted and identified pollen grains under the microscope and calculated total proportion of Echinacea pollen grains.
Jak is continuing this work at part of their senior thesis! She has started data analysis and will have results to share soon!

- Start year: 2023
- Location: Remnant prairies in Solem township, MN and the lab at College of Wooster
- Overlaps with: other projects in prairie remnants
- Data collected: N/A
- Samples or specimens collected: pollen scrapes from bees, floral specimens
- Products: Senior thesis in the works! Stay tuned!

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