So these are the Stipa that have been collected so far. I’ve labeled a couple of the places on the map.
I was having trouble projecting the data exported from GPS Pathfinder Office (trimble) and noticed that no coordinate system was defined (same issue with the DOQ maps Stuart gave me; the GeoTIFFs didn’t have a spatial definition). The GPS data should be North American 1983 in the Geographic Coordinate System folder (right click on the data in ArcCatalog, hit the XY Coordinate System tab and hit the Select button). The DOQ maps ought to be using the NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N from the Projected Coordinate System folder. Dumping all of these files into ArcMap (and a little fiddling) gave me this nice map.
Next plan of attack is to make it work in GPS Pathfinder Office, as it’s much less complicated than ArcGIS.

Wow–cool map! Looking forward to seeing a more complete map of all the collections.