
Lake Forest College interns

LFC students Marissa Ruiz and Courtney King created this fabulous poster using samples from my 2012 Helianthus experiment for my thesis. Indeed, we have significant support for the self-incompatibility of the genus.

Bio 384 poster final.pdf

25th and 26th August

On Saturday, Katherine continued working with aphids–moving them about in the common garden. I (Karen) continued working on my style persistence project. I am testing style persistence as a measure of pollen limitation in perennial Helianthus species through different pollination treatments. There are some promising preliminary results: for many, when treated with compatible pollen, the styles will shrivel in 1-2 days and will persist longer when treated with incompatible pollen or restricted from pollen. The following pictures show Helianthus pauciflorus after four days with incompatible and compatible pollen, respectively. DSCN6298.JPG,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0′); return false”>DSCN6691.JPG

On Sunday, some of us took a trip to Glacial Lakes State Park for picnic lunch and 5mile hike. What a great outing!!!!

Friday, August 17th

After a fairly cool start, we enjoyed a sunny and mild day that was perfect for field work.
Katherine was finishing up with the ants and aphids at Staffanson today. Karen continued pollination treatments on Helianthus species at Hegg Lake and Riley. The team worked on demography at various sites, pulling flags and taking GPS points.

We can’t wait to hear how about the REU symposium at the Chicago Botanic Garden that Jill and Andrew are attending today!

Today, we say farewell to yet another Team Echinacea 2012 member as Shona heads off to Vermont. The end of field season seems to be near…….

Style Persistence study

This is the poster I presented at the Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) back in March. I analyzed the data Lee Rodman collected in her experiments last summer and added my own observations of Helianthus pauciflorus. Style Persistence appears to be a good measure of pollen limitation in species other than Echinacea. This field season, I will test Style Persistence as a measure of pollen limitation in Helianthus species.

Taira MEEC poster.pdf