
mowing the CG

We mowed most of the CG this morning. Putting flags in went smoothly. It helped that we left many flags overwinter. We mowed according to the plan established two years ago. We started removing clippings & pulling flags that marked fl pla from 2008.

I noticed a plant I do not recognize at R46 P~903. Also, in R14 near P870 there is a patch of somethings that is starting to spread. We should determine if it’s a weed we should eliminate.

a good year for cuckoos

I heard a yellow-billed cuckoo from the farm house today. It was south of the farm house, perhaps in the South Field.

I went down to the common garden experimental plot around 9:30 or so. I didn’t see or hear any black-billed cuckoos.

a good day for cuckoos

My family drove from IL to MN on Thursday. We arrived late in the evening and didn’t have that much time to look around, but we did see a lot of tent caterpillars.

First thing Friday morning I went out to the common garden. I flagged plants and planned to mow a few walking paths because Caroline was coming to figure out which plants were going to flower in the inb1 experiment. I paused while mowing and heard a black-billed cuckoo. Then I noticed that there were a few flying around and I heard several calling. I am positive that there were six birds within earshot, but I think there may have been eight. I have never seen more than one a time. It was really neat. There was one calling east of the common Garden and three calling from the shrubs and boxelders along the west edge of the CG. They also flew across the corn field to shrubs next to the wetland west of the CG. Two birds were cavorting in the ditch and flew right next to me on their way to the cottonwood at the NW corner of the CG. Very cool!

It is good to be back in Minnesota. The common garden looks fine. The kids are in their element. I can’t wait for the field season to start! But first: unpack, set up computers, clean the Hjelm house, bring beds to Kensington, go to graduation party, get sleep.

The township supervisors (Joe Martinson, Carl Hamen, and Ken Anderson) drove by inspecting ditches. They are planning to cut trees on the township road N of the driveway because someone can’t get their combine through.

specialized camera stand

Three engineering students from Northwestern’s Engineering Design and Communication class built a specialized camera stand for the Echinacea project. Michelle Pineda, Christopher Moran, and HengJie Tan designed and built a giant tripod which we will use to improve our protocol for relocating Echinacea seedlings.

I told them about the paper maps we made by hand and how last summer Ben & Christine worked out a method to flag seedlings and make maps from digital images. To avoid issues with parallax they determined that photos had to be taken from fairly high up (at least 2.9 m from the ground).

Then the main problem was taking photos straight down from such a height. The hang-a-camera-from-a-pole method wasn’t stable enough (or safe). Michelle, Chris & Heng designed several scaled-down prototypes for their class project. Christine and I looked them over and then, based on our feedback and class feedback, they built this stand…


They presented the stand to their class and me on Saturday, along with a detailed report. I can’t wait to try it out! We will try it out this summer. We hope to avoid making paper maps altogether. We’ll see if it works!

GPS points

I collected GPS coordinates of plants at the landfill on Saturday with our Trimble GeoXH. It froze as I was getting ready to go to the Riley site. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have a reference manual, just the Quick Start Guide. For future reference, here’s the link to manuals and perhaps other helpful resources…

Beware downloading PDF files from this site has crashed my browser many times.

plants flagged at lf site for seedling search

I flagged 20 spots at the landfill site last Saturday. 18 are centered on Echinacea plants that flowered last year (blue flags). 2 are random locations (orange flags). Amy and Caroline are going there tomorrow to search for seedlings.

I noted other plants that were flowering on the east hill:
Zizia aurea
Lithospermum canescens
Sisyrinchium (1 pla)
Viola pedatifida
Astragalus sp.
Pediomelum esculentum – just about to start
Geum triflorum – done
Commandra umbellata – mostly done

On the west hill I noted these:
Senecio (1 pla)
Taraxacum officinale
Antennaria neglecta – done

seedlings found!

We searched for Echinacea seedlings in six prairie remnants last week. We found some! Over 2+ days eight of us found 57 seedlings.

Ruth and Georgiana found 5 seedlings in this circle (41 cm radius) centered on plant 12034 at Steven’s approach.

We visited 87 circles. Ten of the circles were centered on random points in the remnants and the rest were centered on plants that flowered last year. The random points were all at least 1.5 m from every plants that flowered last year and within 4 m of one or more plants that flowered last year. The radii were 41 cm in 4 remnants and 50 cm in the other two. The total area searched was 51.3 square meters.

We also noted that there were about a gross other Echinacea plants in these circles. Some were tagged from previous year, others not.

We changed our protocol from last year and pairs differed in data they recorded and map notations. When we go back to the remaining nine sites in two weeks we should follow this protocol:

we must have at least two measurements to every seedling noted on the map
we must have at least one measurements to every basal plant noted on the map
make a map for every circle where any plant is found
note the style of every toothpick placed (round, square, colored, striped, etc)
note all plants that are determined to be just outside the circle on the map
We need consistent map notation for seedlings, basal plants, focal plants, flowering plants, tagged plants, nails

Also we need to get more pencils, thumbtacks, and cards with containers to hold it all.

Here are some photos of us searching and photos of places where we found some seedlings…






There were eight of us searching, Amber Eule-Nashoba, Ruth Shaw, and Stuart Wagenius searched Thursday & Friday. Georgiana May searched on Thursday. Gina Quiram searched on Friday. Caroline Ridley, Amy Dykstra, and Kate B searched on Friday (after driving across South Dakota to search for seedlings there earlier in the week). [Note to SW: Kate B is KD on datasheets.]

On Thursday we found one circle at SGC that was overrun by poison ivy. Lacking protection, Amber and I decided not to venture in. On Saturday I went back to the circle with neoprene gloves. I removed some poison ivy and then searched the circle. Alas, I found none.


I drove up to Minnesota from Illinois on Monday night, May 4. I felt like I drove backward in time about two weeks. The trees weren’t green, the brome wasn’t above the thatch, and no warblers were in the yard of the farm. When I left on Friday, it felt like spring had progressed more than a week. Maybe I was just happy I got everything done on the to do list.

Late morning on Tuesday it was raining, so Amy, Brad, and I went into Kensington to look at place to rent for the summer. We met the owner and her daughter at the former Kensington Town Hall. The main room of the building is a basketball court–it is a large space. The family had added rooms and amenities and lived there for several years. The place was too expensive to heat during the winter (in spite of the newly insulated ceiling and new windows), so they moved elsewhere and are looking to sell the Town Hall. It will be a great space for Team Echinacea this summer, so we rented it.

It was still quite wet at 1. We ate lunch at the Kensington Cafe.

Amy, Brad, and I mowed fire breaks for the Echinacea seedling recruitment experiment. The experimental plots are on State land: Kensington Duck Refuge (2 plots), Eng Lake WMA (1 plot), and Hegg Lake WMA (5 plots). We got all breaks mowed and flagged. It was much more efficient with three than with one. We even had two mowers! The plots are ready for the DNR crew to burn!

We have 4 other experiment going at Hegg Lake WMA. Jennifer’s phenology common garden experiment is in the unit scheduled to be burned this spring. The fiberglass poles on the E side are gone. Someone drove a truck across the S edge. We found one flag at the S edge of the plot. It was labeled 39–we saw no plants nearby. Amy and I looked for plants in the SW corner. There was a pole there, so we thought we could find where plants should be. We easily found a plant in each of the three spots we looked–the 2 S-most spots in row 1 and the S-most spot in Row 2. They were 3 – 5 cm tall. All in all, the plot looks good. A burn will help the plants. We planted ~3700 seedlings in 2006 and found 2997 still alive in 2008. I suspect shading has contributed to the mortality. A burn will be good.

In the central burn unit at Hegg Lake (burned in spring 2008) three experiment were planted. These experiments all investigate how the genetic composition of seeds influences their recruitment. In all three experiments seeds were broadcast over vegetation last November. Amy found seedlings in her local adaptation experiment. (!) This plot has seeds from Minnesota (very local), E. South Dakota, and W. South Dakota. Only cotyledons were present so far, no true leaves yet. I wonder if there are differences in the timing of emergence of seeds from these places. We didn’t see seedling in the rescue experiment–all local seeds, F1. We only briefly looked at Caroline’s experiment–F2 generation of local seeds.

We peeked at a small dense remnant patch of Echinacea. It burned last year and maybe a dozen plants flowered. We saw quite a few seedlings. Sometimes it is so easy to spot them.

It turned out to be a good day. The only drawback was that I forgot to bring my key to the farmhouse. I brought my huge ring of keys, but forgot that I had lent out that key last fall. So, instead of spending the night, I drove back to MPLS.

Had good meetings with Ruth and Caroline on Wednesday and then drove back up to the farm on TH with my Dad. He brought his key.

I accomplished all items on the “to do” list. But just walking around I saw a million other things to do that weren’t on the list. Sigh.

The Common Garden looks good. I cut sumac on the E side with the brush cutter. We girdled and cut some trees on the E side, mostly ash and a few box elders. They were shading the E side. I hand broadcast 1/3 of a grocery bag of Bouteloua curtipendula seed (a little bit of Schizachyrium scoparium too) in both units. Last fall I harvested 2/3 of a bag and I broadcast half of that at the end of December (brr). I saw no fresh gopher activity.

The Echinacea plants I looked at were 2 – 10 cm tall. None of them were far enough along to tell if they are going to flower.

I seeded other prairie seeds in the ditch, near the Hjelm house, and in the backyard prairie garden. There were some seeds from last year. Most were collected a long time ago and had been stored in a fridge at the U of MN in preparation for planting in Spring 2003. I forgot to plant them then. We’ll see if any take.

On Friday morning I drove to Glenwood and gave a presentation to the DNR wildlife staff (Kevin, Rich, Jason, Wayne & Bob) and others on fire ecology. They asked lots of good questions. We discussed many aspects of prairie and fire ecology. The wildlife staff is the group responsible for transforming Hegg Lake from the weedy, treey, low-diversity oldfield WMA with patches of declining prairie remnants to the vibrant, well-managed grassland, wetland, and native prairie complex that it is today.

Kevin, Rich, Jason, Wayne & Bob are also the guys who burn the plots in our recruitment experiment, so I wanted to update them on the analysis that Amy and Caroline just did and tell them our new experimental design for burns. Getting all the plots burned has been a challenge in the past few years. Now that we are expecting plants to start flowering, we want to get a complete burn treatment in this spring.

We also worked in the vegetable garden. The asparagus was peeking up, garlic, and rhubarb are growing up. Peas and lettuce planted earlier this spring were just up. My Dad planted a whole lot of seeds and potatoes while I was in Glenwood. We also starting working on a new area for the vegetable garden.

Phenology notes for Megan: The only non-weedy plants I noticed in flower were Pulsatilla, Geum triflorum, Violas, and a few carices. The carices were in the lawn at the farm (probably Carex pennsylvanica, a weed, and another one). I didn’t see any prairie Carex flowering at Hegg, but they will be soon. The Violas in the lawn at the farm were well along and there were a few starting on the edges of gravel roads. V. pedatifida wasn’t flowering. Prunus aren’t yet flowering but P. americana will be soon.

last day of flowering? take two

One last floret on head ‘yel’ of plant 40-943.5 shed pollen on September 1st. I imagine the plant exclaiming “better late than never.”

Six heads in the garden might still flower. They all look like duds or early buds. I don’t suspect they will flower, but I have been wrong before!

last day of flowering?

I suspect the last day of flowering (pollen shedding) in the common garden was yesterday. I won’t be totally certain until the snow falls, but here’s the full story… Dwight observed eight heads on Friday the 29th. Two of them were shedding pollen and each had two immature florets. Today, I observed them all again. Neither of the of the two normal heads shed pollen. One head was obviously done and the other (40-943.5-yel) has one immature floret. I suspect that that one immature floret will not mature, but I may be wrong.

Six heads are still in the bud/dud stage. They haven’t yet started to flower and they don’t look like they will. But, I may be wrong.

I will report on the flowering status and post a complete flowering schedule within a few days. I will also recap the final week of team Echinacea–we had an awesome finale. But first I need to catch up on sleep and harvest some heads tomorrow. The forecast is for winds 25 – 30 mph and gusts to 41 mph.