Hello Flog!
My name is Julie Bailard, and I am a junior biology major and cognitive science minor from Carleton College. I am working with Stuart Wagenius and Michael LaScaleia on their project examining the effects of pollen limitation on Echinacea angustifolia‘s survival and reproductive success. I have also been collecting data for Lea Richardson’s research determining whether the Echinacea Project’s findings apply to other flowering prairie plants with similar methods of seed formation. Over the course of my first week in the lab, I have been cleaning, counting, and randomizing samples of achenes from Echinacea and Liatris aspera. As an aspiring population ecologist, I am thoroughly enjoying this opportunity to work with specimens up close and to follow these achenes from the flower head to the data sheet. I can’t wait to start analyzing the data soon!
Outside of the lab, I enjoy reading, knitting, playing quidditch, and practicing clarinet.

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