
Amy’s poster

Here’s a poster I presented at the Evolution 2009 symposium at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, September 2-4, 2009. The poster describes my local adaptation experiment, and results of the early summer seedling searches at my three experimental sites.

Diedre and Jake’s posters

I wanted to share Diedre and Jake’s REU posters with everyone…they both did a great job!
JJF Poster-final.pdf

Lani and Denise’s posters

Hey team Echinacea,
Lani and Denise officially finished their REU internships last Friday and are both back in the California bay area. They both worked really hard on their projects and ended up with some really neat studies. At the end of their internship they created and presented a poster for a research symposium. Their posters turned out really well and I wanted to share them with you. Below are links to each of their posters…enjoy!
Lani’s poster: Download file
Denise’s poster: Download file