
ESA Poster: Variability in reproductive synchrony of Echinacea angustifolia among years in a fragmented landscape

Hello from New Orleans!

Yesterday I presented my poster on the general patterns of Echinacea flowering in our study area! I found that there are patterns of high and low flowering across all of the remnants that we study. I also found that there are good years to flower for the metapopulation that we study (and bad years..). What could be causing lots of echinacea to flower in the same year?

I presented my poster at Poster Session 18 – “Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, Connectivity” from 4:30-6:30. I had lots of visitors stop by to hear about my results and got to meet several Echinacea Project Alums!

Me and my poster <3

Here is my poster:

Wills ESA Poster PDF



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