- SW & JB arrived Wednesday evening (May 20)
- SW and JB walked burn breaks and developed plan
- WR and JB mowed break around North field and South field of P1
- WR and JB started clearing break for southeast hill
- SW drove to Alexandria and picked up Bush Hog
- SW, JB, and WR prepared equipment for burning
- Ignition time just after 1pm
- Burn crew: WR, SW, JB, Brad, Amy, Joyce, and Jean
- Started in the southwest corner of P1 and continued to the southeast corner
- Backfire through south 1/3 of common garden
- Wind was N-NW, fairly consistent 10-15mph
- SW downloaded weather history for Alex and Elbow Lake, these forecasts accurately reflected the conditions
- Burn in P1 was slow but thorough, walking path on the south end did not burn well
- Patch east of the southeast corner of common garden also did not burn well
- 2 piles burned in the hedge row on the east side, these piles burned for hours
- We did not burn the entire south field of P1 because of time constraints but we completed a small burn around 99S, very complete burn
- We burned Jean’s garden (just north of 99S)
- We then drove to Holmes City and burned Joyce’s 10 acre restoration
- Dwight and Matt joined the burn crew for this burn
- Burn went well but it would have been good to have burn breaks, simply mowing a strip around field would be helpful
- JB and WR planted some E. angustifolia and E. pallida from Ian’s competition experiment on the south side of the Hjelm House (~30 planted)
- JB and WR prepared burn breaks for SE hill, cut path through woods
- Winds were light and variable until 1pm so we did not burn
- Found Viola pedatifida flowering on SE hill just uphill from ephemeral pond, also a few plants flowering in path on top of savannah hills
- WR and JB visited SPP to investigate problem akas cg00 and as03 for demap
- Flowering plants included Commandra, Pedicularis, Zizia aptera, Geum triflorum, Lithospermum canascens, Anemone patens (seeding), Viola pedatifida, Sisyrinchium, and Astragalus crassicarpus
- SW and JB put out smoldering piles in P1
- Visited Hegg Lake WMA during burn, fire looks great!
- Burn at P2 was thorough, some paths between rows evident but partially burned, one patch of Antennaria at west end of P2 was unburned
- JB broadcast seed in P1:
- Bouteloua curtipendula, Schizachyrium scoparium, and Galium boreale in common garden experimental plot
- Onosmodium, Dalea purpurea, Hieracium, Zigadenus, Potentilla arguta, Carex spp. and Heuchera in ditch
- SW broadcast Bouteloua, Schizachyrium, and Galium in P2 at Hegg. All seed was collected from Hegg WMA in fall 2014.
- Oxytropis was broadcast in southwest corner of P2