Today we went out looking for pollen producing Echinacea heads, after finding one at East Elk Lake Road and in experimental plot 1. We started looking for flowers at Steven’s Approach and we found one that had started producing pollen today! After searching at Steven’s Approach some of us went out to scout other remnants for plants that had already begun flowering. We found 18 flowering plants! One at East Riley started flowering about 5 days ago! After visiting all of the remnants we took a break for lunch and heard about Lea and James’ independent projects.

The team learns about recording data on flowering phenology and finding flowering plants!

First flowering plant at Steven’s Approach!

Amy and James tagging flowering Echinacea

Echinacea on day 5 of flowering at East Riley
After lunch we headed down to experimental plot 1 to continue searching for stipa, we searched all the rows and found about 130 flowering plants. One of the plants had over 200 fruits! We ended our day measuring seedlings in q2.
Finding flowers this morning means we have to get on top of thoroughly searching the remnants for plants that will flower this summer so we can get flowering phenology and demography data from them. We have our work cut out for us!

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