Today was a jam-packed day! We were greeted in the morning with John and his spiffy new flag-storing bin.

Then, we spent the morning getting trained in on phenology. We headed to Hegg Lake to hang out with some roadside Echinacea and learn about style persistence. We also had phenology quizzes, which everyone aced!

At lunch, we had status updates from various teams about roadside dust and insects. In addition, we tried to estimate the number of flowering plants and flowering heads found in the remnants to date (excluding Staffanson). Wesley had the closest guess for the number of flowering plants and Stuart had the closest guess for the number of flowering heads. John had a very strong entry into the contest, but ultimately was not quite convincing enough for our judge, Jared. The numbers we have right now indicate 1198 plants and 1597 flowering heads. There will be more added to the count as missed plants are found.
In the afternoon, the team scattered to work on different projects. Stipa search was finished up and people worked on independent projects. Kennedy and I spent the afternoon in p1 looking for experimental plants for the aphid addition and exclusion experiment and the pollen limitation experiment.
It is super exciting to see all the projects for the summer start to come together! I can’t wait to see what progress we make in the next few weeks.

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