Echinacea Project 2017
B.S. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, 2017
Research Interests
Broadly speaking, my interests are in plant-pollinator conservation and restoration in native tallgrass prairie. I am interested in the interplay between landscape dynamics such as habitat fragmentation, and its effects on community composition, diversity, and success of both plants and pollinators. How can we utilize this information to help inform land management decisions, and continue to protect and conserve this natural resource?
I originally grew up all over the country, but eventually found my way back to the heartland through Kansas by way of Missouri. I have a number of interests in science other than plant biology including entomology, herpetology, and mycology. I am also very passionate about the human impact of science on the public, and enjoy participating in scientific outreach and science diversity educational programming. In my free time I like to travel, study Spanish, drink tea, and enjoy a good book. I am looking forward to joining the Master’s Program in Plant Biology & Conservation this fall at Northwestern.

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