
Live from Michigan, it’s Saturday Night!

Hello floggy friends!

This morning, Leah and I left Town Hall to embark on a crazy road trip to Michigan. As we were driving, other members of Team Echinacea participated in the FlekkeFest 5k and witnessed history at the International Vinegar Museum. I’ve only been gone for about 14 hours, but I already miss everyone so much. To pass the time during our car trip, Leah and I shared fun stories from the summer.

Other notable moments from our trip include:

  • Witnessing a “noutfit” or what others would call  a “neon outfit”
  • License plates from 16 different states
  • Stopping at Taco Bell more than once
  • Listening to “Too Good” only once and “Cold Water” four times (contrary to popular belief by members of Town Hall)

Great roommates must think alike, because as Leah was posting about what members of Team Echinacea taught us, I wanted to share what we taught Team Echinacea during our two months in Minnesota. I’d say we taught them a few valuable life lessons:

  1. Sometimes you just need to stop and look at all those mushrooms
  2. If you don’t listen to Drake or Justin Bieber during a car ride, you’re doing it wrong
  3. If a picture is worth 1000 words, an emoji must be worth so much more
  4. Not only does singing to aphids get the job done (thanks Abby for that tip), but singing to pollinators and basal plants in experimental plots also does the trick
  5. Anyone can learn how to cook, but it’s not a good meal unless you add at least 3 different kinds of cheese
  6. Prairies are pretty cool, but bogs might be better (minus the buckthorn and mosquitoes)
  7. Dance parties are acceptable at any time of day
  8. You shouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect (namely the perfect meter stick or fork size)
  9. Embrace being silly and awkward, because the people mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind.

Finally, I’d just like to thank everyone for all the support and guidance they’ve given me this summer. I’ll never forget this amazing group of people and I can’t wait to see how everyone else’s projects go and I can’t wait to keep snapchatting everyone (*nudge nudge Town Hall fam I’m talking about you).

Catch ya on the flippity flop,



Peace out, Kensington! Ps- Thanks Scott for taking this adorable pic and seeing us off this morning (at the insane hour of 6am)


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