
Looking for buds

What’s up, flogland! Today was day two of the field season for Team Echinacea. In the morning, Jared, Allie, Maris, Emma, Alex, and I went to KJ’s to learn how to search for flowering Echinacea and how to make demo records. We found and made records for 43(!) flowering plants at KJ’s and then went to search for more at East Elk Lake Road. At lunch, Ruth presented a talk about the entanglement of environment and genetics in the expression of traits and Jared presented some of the background for the experiment looking at the effects of fire on reproduction in the remnants. After lunch, while the rest of the team either learned how to use the GPS or flagged P1, I went out to some of the sites in the northwest corner of the study area (where I’ll do my crossing experiment this summer) to search for and flag more flowering plants. I’m sure there are plants that I missed, but I hope this helps us get a good start! Here are the totals for flowering plants I found at each site: South of Golf Course – 15, Golf Course – 9, North of Golf Course – 2, North of Northwest of Landfill – 9, and Northwest of Landfill – 14.


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