Hey flog! I’m back!
Echinacea Project 2019
Biology, College of Wooster 2020
Research Interests:
In general I am interested in how plants interact with their surroundings, particularly the other plants in the system. I worked with Team Echinacea last year on a project attempting to determine how many pollen grains it takes to set a seed. Turns out it doesn’t matter and on the head a floret is that determines seed set! In the fall/this summer I will be starting my senior thesis/IS (independent study) with a plant called Coral Bean (Erythrina flabelliformis) in Arizona. I will be investigating how mating is affected by the amount of flowers on a plant and geographic/temporal distance between plants.
Personal Interests:
I am now a senior biology major with a minor in environmental studies at the College of Wooster. I am from Buffalo, NY. At school I am former president of knitting club, but recently I have really gotten into embroidery. I also enjoy spending time outside with my dog named Ellie.

Me last summer feeding one of the goats buckthorn
MEEC 2019:
On a different note another student from Wooster (Nate) and I presented at MEEC. We presented a poster on my pollen to seed ratios from my research last summer. As it turns out, pollen is not the limiting resource to determine seed set but instead the location of a floret on the flower head.

Nate and I at MEEC with our poster.
Link to poster:Pollen to Seed Poster
Title: Resources or pollen: examining seed set in a common prairie perennial.
Presented at: MEEC 2019 at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN
When: April 27, 2019

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