Hey Flog!
It’s me, Amy! It’s been a while but I’m glad to be back here in Kensington. Today, the team’s activities started out with some goat wrangling. I wasn’t there because I was bringing up some seedlings from the cities, but I heard it was pretty cool!
Later, the team split up to look for Stipa and flowering Echinacea plants in P1 and to check on ash plants in P8. My high point for the day was that I figured out how to connect my computer to the printer, but my low point was that I accidentally made it so that no one else could use the printer. Ruth graced us with her presence and at lunch we shared our project ideas.

Lastly, it was Michael’s last day on the job as a Team Echinacea intern! We concluded the bittersweet end of the era with Stuart’s chocolate cake™.
Sincerely yours,

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