
Project status update: Echinacea hybrids-exPt 7

A hybrid at Hegg Lake

A hybrid at Hegg Lake

In 2015, we continued an experiment that quantifies fitness of Echinacea angustifolia x pallida hybrids and pure-strain plants. Out of the the original 522 plants, 323 were still alive in 2015, which is a survival rate of 62%. The mean leaf length of these plants was roughly 11.7 cm. Stuart planted the 522 seedlings at Hegg Lake WMA in spring 2013. The seedlings result from hand reciprocal crosses conducted by Shona Sanford-Long during the summer of 2012.

Read more posts about this experiment here.

Start year: 2013

Location: Hegg Lake Wildlife Management Area – Experimental plot 7


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