Here are some clarifications about how mfl and immfl should be filled in for heads in and past the flowering stage. Selecting status “Flowering” means that the last day of flowering is certainly 4 days away or longer. If the last day of flowering is 3 or fewer days away, then select “End of flowering.”
Flowering It is not necessary to fill in mfl, ffl, or immfl. (mfl and Immfl are presumed to be well over 11).
End of flowering Fill in mfl and immfl! (Both may 11.)
Last day of flowering Fill in mfl and immfl! (immfl should be zero.)
Done flowering Fill in mfl and immfl! (mfl & immfl should be zero.)
Note 1: When the action is xxxx, then fill in a status (usually: flowering, end of flowering or done).
Note 2: When status is “Flowering,” “End of flowering,” “Last day of flowering”, or “Done flowering” then don’t fill in ffl!

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