
Scurf pea harvest

Hailey hand pollinated flowers on six silver-leaf scurf pea plants (Pediomelum argophyllum). We are harvesting the plants as the pods ripen. Wyatt harvested two plants on 30 Aug, I harvested two today (9 Sept). Two remain–each is attached to a pin flag so it doesn’t tumble way. But don’t seem like that will happen soon.

Yesterday I squeezed every pod from the plant that Wyatt harvested S of 23518-L. They all felt the same (empty), including the treatment pods that have yellow & blue twist-ties. Many of the pods had fallen off the stem, but not the bagged one. This time I gently put the entire plant into a large paper grocery bag to keep the pods on the stems. I regret i didn’t take any photos of the plants.

Stay tuned to learn about effects of hand pollination on seed set in the silver leaf scurf pea!

Read more about Hailey’s experiment.


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