Today began with a 10 AM start time due to some forecasted rain and thunder. When the team arrived, everyone was catching up on either entering data, working on individual project proposals or getting some Visor forms ready for future data collecting events. After the rain subsided, a few groups went out to find some Porcupine grasses (stipa) in P1, while Shea and i prepared for YPT (Yellow pan trap) sites for collecting bees in the next few weeks.

Shea and I placed 38 YPT”s in the designated locations to collect bees and record the land use nearby the sites. This is an ongoing study for determining local bees families and species and also part of Shea’s 2019 project.

Last week while i was placing some distance labels along the west and east sides of P1, I spotted a frog on top of the very post that i was going to secure the plackard to. I took its picture at 9:19AM and gently moved it to a nearby sumac leaf and secured the sign to its stake. At 9:24AM when i was returning, the frog was back, this time on top of the sign. It didn’t even take the little amphibian five minutes to return to its perch.

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