We kicked off the day refinding Amy’s Echinacea seedlings at KJ’s. If you couldn’t tell from the previous posts, we’re all quite exasperated with KJ’s. You can imagine how ecstatic we all were to wrap up the last 5 plants today and finally get a change of scenery– seedling refinds at East Elk Lake Road!
However, as soon as we arrived KJ’s this morning, I precariously balanced my water bottle on the truck bumper, and then realized we forgot the clipboards. Kelly took the truck to retrieve them and when she returned, clipboards in hand, I couldn’t find my water bottle anywhere. Musing that it got thrown into the neighboring soybean field, I was already conjuring up a birthday present request for a nalgene. That is, until we came to the intersection with 27:
My Nalgene got carried a full 3.3 MILES on the bumper of Stuart’s truck! Kelly is simply a smooth driver.
This afternoon we harvested Echinacea heads from the common garden and Hegg Lake, and then harvested Bouteloua curtipendula at both sites.

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