The Echinacea are blooming!
And all of the team members are busy working on their individual projects! Here’s what we did today:
-Maria woke up at the crack of dawn to observe the Dicanthelium at Hegg Lake and even try out some crosses!
-Shona was also at Hegg Lake this morning painting the heads of 9 different Echinacea for her pallida-angustifolia hybrid research.
-Lydia also painted Echinacea heads today. She spent the morning at the Around Landfill site working with Gretel to prepare for her compatibility crosses.
-Jill and Kelly tag-teamed this morning to combine Kelly’s work on phenology at Around Landfill, Northwest of Landfill, and North Northwest of Landfill with Jill’s ant survey plot preparation at Staffanson Prairie Preserve.
-Andrew perfected his bee-catching skills this morning in preparation for his pollinator observation research. He caught over two dozen bees right in Hjelm House yard!
-Katherine was also hard at work in C1 this morning. She’s making great progress on her aphid addition/exclusion experiment.
-Stuart plugged away at map making in Hjelm House this morning. He’s using data from a GPS device in order to make maps of the locations of experimental plants in the remnants. They’re incredibly useful when you’re trying to keep track of over 50 plants in the same remnant.
Work proceeded as usual this afternoon despite a brief thundershower. In addition to continued individual project work, Lydia and Shona trimmed the rest of the Ash in the Common Garden. Here’s to a productive Wednesday!

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