Sara Zufan, aka “Miss Z,” arrived from Chicago, IL (pop > 1 x 10^6 people) to Kensington Minnesota (pop = 280) this weekend and is already hard at work measuring plants and searching for the elusive Stipa grass in the sea of other grasses that is our common garden experiment. Miss Z is teacher in Chicago Public Schools at the Multicultural Academy of Scholarship. Next year she is teaching AP Biology, Regular Biology, and Earth & Space. This summer Miss Z plans to gain some hands-on cutting-edge field biology experience to enhance her professional development as a secondary school science educator. Miss Z is going to figure out how to bring her new knowledge into her classroom this coming school year.
Stay tuned! Miss Z will keep you posted via this blog and twitter on her research endeavors and experiences in the field this summer as she investigates the ecology and evolution of plants and animals in the fragmented tallgrass prairie with the Echinacea Project.

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