Over the next several weeks we are going to post updates on all the projects we worked on during summer 2017. Whew we did a lot–it might take a couple of months!
Put a bookmark on our update page to stay caught up. We’ll post all updates on that page.
Two new projects to look out for are Richardson’s “Liatris and Solidago phenology” and “Pollinators on roadsides.” Also, we’ll recap Barto’s & Braker’s REU projects. Stay tuned!
We didn’t work on the project Fire & flowering at Staffanson Prairie Preserve
or on Mating compatibility in remnants this summer. We didn’t do the first one because no burns were conducted at the preserve before this growing season. We contemplated assessing compatibility for another year, but there seemed to be more things that we wanted to do than there were people and time to do them.

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