
August 13: Cloudy with a chance of measuring

Today was an exciting day for Team Echinacea! While most of the day was spent measuring, it was made much more invigorating by the constant threat of rain – which we felt drops of from time to time – and by Ruth’s visit and Stuart’s return. We heard about the many exciting talks that Stuart went to at ESA and discussed how our phenology research is going to both fit in and stand out in a wonderful way. Speaking of large data sets, we’rd almost done measuring p1 and will be moving on to plenty of other fun things soon.

The team measuring plants in big batch

The team measuring plants in big batch

During lunch we learned about how the 1600 gallon septic tank was emptied yesterday and contained 2000 gallons of waste. How that was possible, the world may never know, but here in the Echinacea Project we redefine what’s possible.

Gretel describes the overfull septic tank as Stuart and Ruth listen

Gretel describes the overfull septic tank as Stuart and Ruth listen




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