Today started of with a bang as part of the crew headed off to go strawberry picking at the holmes city berry farm this morning. We got just enough to tide us over until the weekend, or maybe just enough to last some of us through the afternoon…if we’re lucky…
But alas, it was back to work. Sarah B, Sara Z and Stuart (aka the S club) headed out for the Preserve for a superb time. The rest us did a solid hour of stipa searching then we finished up the morning assessing cg1. Then at lunch Stuart gave us all a very interesting lecture on Echinacea sex, needless to say it was very scandalous and left a few Echinacea highly embarrassed as some of their photos (mid pollination!) were used in the presentation.
After lunch the crew went their separate ways, most worked on independent projects. Marie, Dayvis, and Sara Z headed off to find plants out by the county park among other things. Kory continued with some preliminaries for his project. Reina and I finished up assessing cg1 with the help of Sarah B, Per, and Gretel. The last of the crew to return today was Lydia after a long afternoon battling ants during her aphid addition in cg1, but we can proudly say she did return victorious: Lydia 1, Ants 0, however there were a few casualties (namely aphids) that regretfully did occur during the process.
All in all another great day for Team Echinacea!

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