
Andy’s Problems

Andy’s problems for the summer:

1. How to transfer large (> 2.0 Gb) of video from the cameras to the hard drives. Right now, it is taking 70 minutes per 2.0 Gb, which is really too long. I am hoping that if I can switch to Josh’s USB 2.0 computer the transfer rate will be much higher. This is probably the biggest problem I need to solve this summer, but there is not much time!

Breaking News!: I just used the USB 2.0 on Josh’s laptop, and the transfer speed is about 30 times faster – yahoooo! Now, I just have to figure out how to keep track of all the videos and how to switch them in the common garden without getting totally confused.

2. Deciding which variables to measure for the path analyses. Some we have thought of so far: population identity, inbreeding status, number of leaves, number of flowering heads, # of pollinators visiting per unit time, style persistence, distance to nearest flowering neighbor, distance from edge in the common garden. The final variables of interest would be # seeds produced and perhaps pollen viability.

3. I need to figure out how to test the viability of Echinacea pollen.

4. How to measure FA in the plants. Leaves and inflorescences should be measured in some manner. The disk itself could be measured for radial symmetry, too. On the inflorescences, the petals themselves can be measured, as well as petals on opposite sides of the head, or across the entire head, as it should be radially symmetric.

Some wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) webworm damage. Wild parsnip is an exotic weed found throughout the midwest. It’s chemical ecology has been well studied by May Berenbaum and Art Zangerl at U of Illinois.



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  • FA ideas: 1. You could take a digital image while a head is shedding pollen. Each anther would look like a yellow dot. The more circular the pattern of yellow dots, the more radially symmetric the head is. 2. A cleverly written macro could find the pixel coordinates of the center or tip of each ray floret. The more circular the pattern of pixel coordinates, the more symmetric the head.

    Quantifying symmetry of leaves seems like a challenge.

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