
Skink emerges from a beer can

Andes, farm, remnants 051_1.jpg

While at eri prairie remnant searching for Echinacea seedlings we were cleaning up the beer cans from the ditches and found many ant nests under them, but on can had a surprise. Amy was shaking the can and a skink popped its head out causing her to drop it. The skink was shocked and was frozen in place for a minute with just its head and neck exposed.


I’m currently attending the University of Vermont (UVM) in Burlington, VT and will be a Junior next year. I am majoring in Environmental Science with a concentration in Water Resources. Burlington is a great little city. It is progressive and there is so much going on for such a little place…well, it is the biggest town in VT. There are so many great restaurants and shops and locally grown/made is a huge thing there!
I am from “Clover Valley” Minnesota. You won’t be able to find that on a map…but it is somewhere in between Duluth and Two Harbors a bit inland from the lake. Lake Superior is awesome and if you haven’t been to the North Shore and the Boundary Waters you definitely should at some point in your life.