
P1 Measuring – Day 7!

Today, Ruth and Amy joined us to measure Amy’s Annex! We are now 81% done measuring P1, so close!

P1 Measuring – Day 6!

After a brief break from measuring yesterday, the team was back in action today. We are now 69% done measuring p1!

P1 Measuring – Day 5!

57% done and completely done with the 99s garden, which was a nice change of scenery! We’ve now entered 99n garden.

P1 Measuring – Day 4!

44% of the way done! Woo! Next we’ll be entering the 99 North Garden (the green section remaining in the northeast part of the plot).

P1 Measuring – Day 3!

29% done, made it into Big Batch! These rows are on the meter instead of the half meter, which feels a lot faster than half meter rows.

P1 Measuring Update – Day 2!

22% done, another effort made this morning with 4 pairs!

P1 Measuring Update

Yesterday, the team began measuring our biggest common garden experiment, P1! This plot has 10,992 positions that were planted with Echinacea. Yesterday, 3 teams of pairs went out for about 3.5 hours in the morning and knocked out 1,140 positions and 14 segments for over 10% of P1! I’m excited we made so much progress the first day! Below is map that visualizes progress. Stay tuned for today’s update.

Wheel of Good Fortune

Ritualistic randomizer

A machine of the organizer

Shake up the pairing

Instead of despairing

Stale routine? Revitalize her!

Episode 0: Pilot

In this episode of a day we started off testing out Jared’s protocols for micro habitats. We gathered data like soil compaction, light availability and litter depth from random test points. We had lots of success and even more discoveries on how to make things run smoother. Tomorrow we will put the newly revised protocol to the test in the first official episode of micro habitats!

For Hire: Private Eyes

Today, we began flagging the always-elusive P8 common garden. Unlike our other experimental plots where individuals were planted as seedlings on a grid, P8 involves seeds that were sprinkled along a meter transect. This plot, which investigates the evolution potential of two remnant prairies (read more about the experiments in P8 here!), also has a transplanted remnant prairie smack-dab in the middle of it! Flagging this monster is no small feat.

I was lucky to be partnered with Blaire for this flagging quest and we were an unstoppable duo. Each meter transect is marked with a nail, and between the the two of us, we had a high success rate for nail unearthing. Oftentimes they were parallel with the ground or hidden by nail-like imposters (rocks) that we suspect Stuart may have planted to test our nail-finding abilities. Blaire dubbed us as “private eyes” and I said we were “human metal detectors”. If you’d like to hire us for your investigation needs, you can contact us through the flog.