During summer 2021, we began collecting data in remnant patches of prairie to quantify fire effects on the reproduction of Porcupine grass (Hesperostipa spartea). In summer 2022, we decided against collecting further data. A few very late spring burns that seemed to affect Hesperostipa, our smaller than expected summer crew, and a long list of projects led us to conclude it would be better to prioritize other projects.
Start year: 2021
Location: Remnant patches of prairie in and around Solem Township, MN
You can read more about the Fire and seedling fitness in remnants experiment, as well as links to prior flog entries about this experiment, on the background page for this experiment.
During late summer 2021, we began collecting data in remnant patches of prairie to quantify fire effects on the reproduction of Porcupine grass (Hesperostipa spartea). We visited 209 random points established during the summer across 17 remnant patches and counted the number of flowering Hesperostipa culms rooted within 1 m of the random point. Across the 209 plots, we counted 1159 culms. The highest density we observed was 101 culms in one plot at Landfill East. In addition to counting culms, we also counted the number of fruits produced by culms in each plot. The plot with 101 culms at Landfill East also held the record for fruit count at 523!
Mia collecting data on Hesperostipa reproduction in remnants.
Start year: 2021
Location: Remnant patches of prairie in and around Solem Township, MN
Data collected: ~Dropbox/burnRems/remStipa/data2021/remStipa2021Data.csv
Samples or specimens collected: Seeds collected and counted during June 2021 were broadcast in exPt08
Products: Stay tuned!
You can read more about the Hesperostipa fire and flowering in remnants experiment, as well as links to prior flog entries about this experiment, on the background page for this experiment.