
Gina’s aphid poster

Gina made a poster for Carleton’s summer research symposium. The symposium happened a while ago but you can relive the experience by looking at her poster!

Effects of the specialist aphid, Aphis echinaceae, on overall herbivory of Echinacea angustifolia

You can find it here.

Ben’s Poster!

Here is a link to the poster I created for my independent project this past summer.


The efficiency of different collection and sorting techniques on the seeds of Galium boreale


Taylor’s poster

Invasive Potential of E. pallida in Western Minnesota:



Alison’s presentation at MEEC

Here is a link to Alison Bewley’s presentation at MEEC. Alison & others represented Team Echinacea well at the meeting and learned a lot.

Title: Special Delivery!: Quantifying the Distance
that Solitary Bee Genera Move Pollen in a
Fragmented Prairie Plant Population


The 2015 Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference was March 28 & 29 at Indiana University in Bloomington.

Allie’s poster presentation at MEEC

Here is a link to Allie Dunn’s poster presentation at MEEC. Allie & others represented Team Echinacea well at the meeting and learned a lot.

Title: Can you extract DNA from a single pollen grain?: A methodology useful for plant conservation research.


Allie Dunn at MEEC 2015

MEEC 2015

Team Echinacea made a great showing at MEEC — The 2015 Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference. Members of the team gave great presentations and learned a lot from the other presenters. When Stuart gets back from vacation he will post Allie’s poster, Josie’s poster, and Alison’s presentation.

Team Echinacea at MEEC 2015

Team Echinacea at MEEC 2015:
Alli Grecco, Jocelyn York, Jennifer Ison, Allie Dunn, Alison Bewley

Poster Award at BSA

Davis Blasini was awarded the best undergraduate student poster in 2014 by the Ecology Section of the Botanical Society of America: “Introduction of Echinacea pallida in the Prairies of Western Minnesota and its Possible Effects on Native Echinacea angustifolia” Co-author: Stuart Wagenius.

Congratulations, Davis!

Chicago Botanic Garden Symposium

This weekend has been very busy and exciting. Last Wednesday I left the comfort of Town Hall for the hustle and bustle of Chicago. On Thursday I had a chance to visit the beautiful gardens and meet the other CBG REU participants. The Chicago Botanic Gardens are stunningly beautiful and they have plenty of Echinacea purpurea.


I even saw some that looked super funky.


On Friday I gave a presentation on my project at the Chicago Botanic Garden / Field Museum / Morton Arborium Symposium. The presentation went well and I received more questions than any other speaker! I was very impressed by the other presentations as well and it was great to see the different types of projects that students were working on while I was in Minnesota.


Saturday was my day to be a tourist so I took the opportunity to visit the Art Institute of Chicago. Viewing Monet’s lily paintings was a pleasant compliment to seeing the real thing at the Chicago Botanic Garden.


Although it was great to have the chance to explore the city, I am very ready to return to the Field to harvest achenes, do some (far more relaxed) data analysis, and help out with the other projects. I miss everyone terribly and am excited to see the rest of the crew in just a few hours!

Stay tuned for the posting of my poster/final data!

With love,
Maureen Page.

advice for presentations

Several web pages that provide helpful advice about
how to give a good scientific presentation:

Specific for poster presentations:

Sarah’s presentation

Sarah Baker presented “Flowering phenology of Echinacea angustifolia in Minnesota tallgrass prairie remnants over three years,” the results of her summer 2013 REU project, at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Kentucky, on 4 April 2014.
Here’s the presentation…
