
Combined Protocols for PONS Project

Amanda, Kate, and I have combined our protocols and I’ve included a revised equipment list.
Echinacea PONS equip list.doc
Ech combined PollComp Protocols.doc

The following people have agreed (I think) to help with this project on the mornings of July 7th and July 9th, as well as July 21st and July 23rd. If you cannot for some reason, let us know tomorrow.

Stuart, Gretel, Caroline, Amy, Daniel, Greg, Megan, Mimi, Amanda, Kate. Thanks everyone!

Also, after some discussion with Allegra about her pollination and painting needs for this week, I think that we need to either A) give up one person and therefore one remnant to help Allegra or B) have the normal 4 observations for remnants with less than 8 plants instead of doing more observations within the 3 hr pd, and have those people help Allegra when they are done early with pollinator observations/style collection or C) a combination of A&B. Thoughts?

Note: I have included the protocol in with pollinator observations and style collections because we are using the same plants for all 3. However, 3 people can do this over the course of 3 pm’s. Those who are helping so far are: Kate, Allegra (when not doing pm pollinations)

Friday we practiced catching insects for a half hour but much more practice is needed and those who were not there on friday need to be trained. I think a group training/practicing session before lift-off is imperative.

Today Daniel and Allegra helped me assess the flowering plants situation at some of the remnants we plan on using. We flagged flowering plants at: Riley (5),YOH (3), NRRX (4), LC (8), Steven’s appch (3). Some of these sites had plants that seemed likely to flower by Tuesday so we flagged those plants as well.We randomly selected 8 plants for LC since there were 17 that were either flowering or seemed very likely to flower by Tuesday. There was only 1 plant flowering at NWLF so that site has been eliminated. We also noted co-flowering species for each remnant. Tomorrow we need to finish flagging and randomly selecting plants at the 5 other remnants.

Stay tuned for July 4th picnic and kick-ass sandcastle pictures!


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