We are busy with fieldwork here in western MN! Between measuring, floral assessments, emergence trapping, searching for flowering plants, and finishing up our pollen and nectar collections, we have our work cut out for us… We’ve been making steady progress with total demo. As of this morning, we have completed 34% of the locs where we search for echinacea.
With a smaller crew and slightly soggy start to the morning, it was all-hands-on-deck as we continue to chip away at measuring experimental plot 1. We made great progress today, but still found time to stop and take pictures of cool critters! After lunch, we all headed out to retrieve and deploy emergence traps. It was a busy day for e-trapping, with three teams visiting eight sites in total.
The team takes its first steps into measuring experimental plot 1
Friday, 26 July, 2024, was the first day we started measuring p1 this year! Coincidentally, this was the same day we started last year. This monumental task involves visiting 10992 positions in the plot and assessing the status of the plants there (or not, in the case of plants we have not been able to find in >3 years. RIP. Presumably.) After measuring again this morning, I booted up the old progress tracker (in the cgData repo, if you ever need it) to see how we’re doing. After making some adjustments (for the colorblind out there), here’s our progress over the last two days:
A map of every position in p1. Every position we have visited so far is colored in purple. On Friday, we were 8.1% done with measuring the plot. After today, we jumped up to 23.8% done. Rounding up, that’s about a quarter of the plot done already! Yahoo!
Today was also RET Brittany’s last day with the field team. Brittany, you will be sorely missed, and we hope you bring a bit of the prairie to share with your students!
Brittany evaluates Heterostipa spartea reproduction in p1
Big project update! For my summer project I am looking at nectar and pollen volumes in other Asteraceae plants that are non – Echinacea in burned sites versus unburned sites. This is important because pollinators depend on pollen and nectar to get the nutrients they need. A large decrease in pollinators has been found due to prairie fragmentation, and studying whether fire can help in producing a higher quantity of pollen and nectar can be shared with land managers to help create more viable resources for pollinators in their prairie restoration efforts. My two species of focus for now are Coreopsis palmata (also known as prairie coreopsis) and Helianthus pauciflorus (also known as stiff sunflower). Mid-summer coreopsis blooming is starting to come to close and so are my nectar and pollen measurements! Onto sunflowers here in the next couple weeks!
Time for daily update: Total demo continues! One group of 4 and one group of 3 went out to a total of 4 different sites. These included south of golf course, north of golf course, and yellow orchid hill east and west. A few people also finished up or pollen and nectar collection on Echinacea heads.
This afternoon a group went out and did e-trap collection and retrieval. We have been working on rotation 5 this week after finally polishing off rotation 4 late last week! The rest of us went and did measurements of Echinacea in one of our experimental plots (P9). Measurements included: flowering rosette count, basal rosette count, total basal leaves, height of tallest basal leaf, height of tallest cauline leaf (aka leaf on stem without a petiole), and height of head to name a few. Our plant of the day was finding a diseased Echinacea with over 360 basal leaves. To finish off the day we moved the goats to a new paddock and enjoyed some cold watermelon in the late week heat.
Nothing beats cold watermelon after a hot day of field work!Incentive to get the goats to their new paddock.
Total demo has commenced! Team Echinacea began to assess demography of flowering and non flowering Echinacea today!
We started at tower, a site with a rich demographic history. We payed special attention to tag 9301- a plant first tagged in 1996. Many members of Team Echinacea have met this plant before. Including me last year. This year, 9301 is basal and has 4 rosettes. I hope it has many more fruitful summers in store.
We’ve got 2,640 locations where we will search for Echinacea in 2024. Our work is cut out for us, but after just one morning in the field, we are already 3.75 % done!
Today was the first day of total demography! Team Echinacea started as a whole group at Tower, a remnant prairie site, where Jared gave an overview of total demography. Team Echinacea learned important skills such as communication and collaboration. After total demography was finished at Tower, one group headed to Martinson Approach and another went to East of Town Hall. Echinacea angustifolia pollen has seemed to wind down in the past few days. Today, Grace and Rebecca collected the remaining pollen from the last flowering plants. In the afternoon, everyone had personal project time!