We went out to Hegg Lake for a plant-seeing adventure on Wednesday. Click the pictures to embiggen.
First of is some Onosmodium, a marbleseed.
A garter snake. Stuart knew the latin name but my memory isn’t that good.
Penstemon grandiflorus, what are you doing here? You’re not native to this area!
Spiderwort, a Tradescantia. A nice find.
Dichanthelium is in flower! There’s quite a bit of it this year.
Polygala senega was on top of a hill.
Death camas (Zigadenus). Watch out.
Sisyrinchium. These are blue, unlike the white ones I’ve seen at Staffanson
Deer flies. These suckers hurt when they bite.
Stipa is in flower! You can see the parts pretty clearly here.
Interestingly, the diaspore is pretty much fully formed by the time pollination is happening. This makes sense, as it’s all maternal tissues apart from the seed itself. You can see it on Greg’s hand.

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