We started the day by planting 280 seedlings at the West Central Area experimental plots. I’ve been growing these seedlings so for a project looking at pollen movement among the remnant populations. I collected leaf tissue from each seedling and next I’ll use paternity analysis to figure out which plant the pollen came from to make each seed. By planting the seedlings, I hope to see if pollen dispersal patterns are related to the survival or fitness of the offspring. Planting went great! Exceeding all expectations, everything took exactly two hours, including the drive to Barrett and back.

Afterwards, we worked on all kinds of things. In ExPt1, we finished searching for Stipa and putting twist ties on all the flowering plants. After searching in all the rows for flowering stems, we’ve found a whopping total of 42 flowering heads!!! Next, we went to ExPt2 where we found >>42 heads (~350 so far, but we only made it through row 11). We even found one flowering head on its first day of flowering!
That’s all for now! Until next time,

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