Every year we keep track of flowering phenology in our main experimental plots, exPt1 and exPt2. Summer 2015 was a big year of flowering in both plots, especially in exPt2, where 1233 heads flowered between July 4th and August 26th. ExPt2 was designed especially to study phenology—you can read more about the team’s monitoring of phenology in the 2015 heritability of phenology project status update.
In exPt1, we kept track of 1212 heads on 649 plants (we left out the qGen_a ‘big batch’ cohort). The first head began shedding pollen on July 2nd and the latest bloomer shed pollen on September 2nd. Peak date in exPt 1 was on July 27th when there were 1034 heads flowering. At the end of the season we harvested the heads and brought them back to the lab, where we will count fruits (achenes) and assess seed set.
Read previous posts about this experiment.

A plot of the 2015 flowering schedule in experimental plot 1 made with the brand new R package mateable–available now on CRAN!
Each horizontal gray line segment on this plot represents the flowering time of one head. From bottom to top they are sorted by start day. Black dots show the number of heads in flower on each day. The vertical lines show the peak day (solid) and the days when half of the plants have started flowering and half have ended (dashed).
Start year: 2005
Location: Experimental plots 1 and 2
Overlaps with: Heritability of flowering time, common garden experiment, phenology in the remnants
These papers report on investigations of flowering phenology of individuals in experimental plot 1 in 2005, 2006, and 2007:
- Ison, J.L., and S. Wagenius. 2014. Both flowering time and spatial isolation affect reproduction in Echinacea angustifolia. Journal of Ecology 102: 920–929. PDF
- Ison, J.L., S. Wagenius, D. Reitz., M.V. Ashley. 2014. Mating between Echinacea angustifolia (Asteraceae) individuals increases with their flowering synchrony and spatial proximity. American Journal of Botany 101: 180-189. PDF

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