Attached is the data that I collected this summer observing ants on Echinacea. The metadata is as follows:
Date- The date on which the observation was made
Site- The site at which the observation was made, abbreviations are the standard for the projects sites
Initials- Initials of the individual making the observation (SZ= Sara Zufan)
PlantID- The tag number of the plant being identified
Aphids- Whether or not aphids were observed (Y= Yes, N= No)
VialNo- The number of the vial which the ant samples were collected in
SpecNo- The number the specimen were given when transferred into collection tubes
MorphoID- The identification of the ant to Genus species
MorphoCt- The number of ants counted on the plant of that morphological identification
AntCt- If more than one species was on the plant this shows how many total ants were present during the observation
Est- Indicates whether or not the count was estimated (Y= Yes, N=No)
NearbyFlPlants- The identification of plants that were in flower at the time of the observation within one meter of the plant being observed
Ant Collection-Observation Data 2013.csv

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