Howdy gang!
Here’s the list of tag ID’s and corresponding letters at the sites used this summer. We flagged different plants on 7/13 and 7/6 and used the same plants for observations on 7/21 and 7/23. For some reason I can’t find the list of flagged plants for 7/13, so it would be great if someone could check on the Hjelm house computer for that info. It may or may not be in the folder for this experiment. I’m sure I compiled that info from the visor memos, but I don’t have the file on my computer.
ech flagged plants and tags.doc
We recorded the tag ID’s during FNC so we could go back and check to make sure we had recorded the right number, but we never made the check.
Here’s the file that lists whether the vial had a bee, fly, bfly, or beetle in it:
ECH poll obs ALL.xls
Here’s the FNC Data in an excel file:
I hope everything’s going well in MN! It sounds like lots of progress has been made since I left. I thought my poster presentation went pretty well back in Chi-town. The final version of it is in a previous flog post. Thanks again to everyone…I certainly could not have done this without all of your help. I hope the field season ends well. Keep in touch. Oh and here’s an interesting paper I came across recently: brown bj loosestrife comp.pdf
And I really like this picture Daniel took:
And here’s Echinacea taking center stage at CBG:

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