Today Lea and the doggies left early in the morning to head back to Chicago. Kristen and I got up a bit later and decided to head for the cities. This was only my second time there, and Kristen’s first! We drove to Grand Ave in St. Paul and walked around looking at all the restaurants and shops there. We ate at a place called Colossal Cafe where we got some fancy grilled cheeses and portobello sandwiches. Once we finished up there, we went to the U to look around.
On our drive back to Andes we talked about how everything we were seeing used to be prairie. Kristen painted a nice picture of how it would have looked without all the trees and roads. After a day saying “uffdah!” so we could feel like we fit in, this was a circumstance for the ultimate uffdah. Would have been cool to see prairie for miles and miles.

Minneapolis, MN

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