
“This is kind of obvious but there is no way I would do that without pants”

Today started off with Amy and Scott going to collect phenological data on Lea’s plants at Staffanson. Jame and I went to Hegg Lake to check on some discrepancies between a list of GPS points and observed points in Amy Dykstra’s plot.  After we finished at Hegg lake and Staffanson we met at Loeffler’s corner for some demo. While Sulu (one of the GRS-1 units) was being uncooperative and had to take a timeout we made it by with just Chekov (the other GRS-1 unit) for awhile. Stuart returned from his trip home to Illinois today, and he arrived just in time to help us do total demo at Loeffler’s Corner. We focused on the west side of the site because it has a history of being burned and can give us an idea of how burning affects flowering in remnant populations! We completed total demo at Loeffler’s corner which involved visiting exactly 500 locations. It felt good to finish demo at a big site, especially after spending so much time doing demo at Staffanson, which is where we will be tomorrow, so stay tuned!

P.S. if you are curious about the title it is a quote from Scott after crossing a barbed wire fence with just millimeters to spare, for more great quotes from Scott stop by tomorrow!


Jame waits for Sulu to start working


Jame planned an Echinacea themed party, he even decorated with lots of colored flags! But no one came : ( (Just kidding he is doing demo)


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