As I’m preparing to write updates on experiments for 2024, it was brought to my attention that we don’t have one post summarizing all our updates from summer 2023! So, while you eagerly await this year’s news, enjoy a refreshing blast from the past. Here’s what we did last summer!
- Andropogon fire and flowering in exPt08
- Andropogon fire and flowering in remnants
- Aphid addition and exclusion
- Asclepias viridiflora demography
- Cirsium hillii fire & fitness (no 2023 update written)
- Common garden experiment
- Demographic census in remnants
- Dykstra’s interpopulation crosses
- Dykstra’s local adaptation
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 6
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 7
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 9
- Echinacea pallida flowering phenology
- Experimental plot management
- Fire and seedling fitness in remnants
- Fire in recruitment experiment
- Floral resources in prairie remnants and restorations
- Flowering phenology in experimental plots
- Flowering phenology in remnants
- Gene Flow in Remnants
- Ground-nesting bees in prairie remnants and restorations
- Harrison Aakre’s data nugget (not our report, but link to actual website)
- Heritability of fitness–qGen1
- Heritability of fitness–qGen2 & qGen3
- Heritability of flowering time
- Hesperostipa in exPt01 (no 2023 update written)
- Inbreeding experiment–INB1
- Inbreeding experiment–INB2
- Interremnant crosses
- Liam Poitra’s search for the leadplant flower moth
- Liatris fire and flowering
- Lilium fire and flowering
- Microhabitats in prairie remnants and restorations
- Parasitic plants addition experiment in exPt01
- Pedicularis effects on host plants in p10
- Phoenix trial in exPt01
- Phoenix trial in exPt05
- Pollen addition and exclusion
- Pollinators on roadsides
- Predators in prairie remnants and restorations
- Quantity & quality of Echinacea pollen & nectar
- Random points in prairie remnants and restorations
- Reintroduce Pedicularis & Echinacea to prairie reconstruction (no update written in 2023)
- Reproductive fitness in remnants
- Seedling establishment aka sling
- Smoke experiment (no update written in 2023)
- Soil in prairie remnants and restorations
- Transplant Asclepias viridiflora
- WCA Environmental Learning Center (no update written in 2023, but see updates on p10 experiments)

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